
We are a trusted partner for organisations needing to make informed decisions with geospatial data.

Live NSW Spatial Digital Twin

Alongside delivery partner Woolpert, Full Extent supported the NSW Department of Customer Service, Spatial Services with product design and development activities for the Digital Twin Live NSW Roadmap.

The solutions leveraged spatial technology to help achieve the Live NSW goal of providing, sharing and delivering authoritative spatial data across Government via single source of truth.

Working collaboratively across teams, Full Extent provided technical expertise and experience to enhance products and leverage the latest ESRI ecosystem capabilities.

Technology: AWS, ArcGIS Portal Enterprise, ArcGIS Maps SDK for JS

Digitised Urban Planning

Full Extent supported Urbis by delivering on their vision of a world-leading digitised urban planning application for their client.

The bespoke application and data pipelines digitised a manual, complicated and time consuming assessment process. Leveraging best practice UI/UX design and 3D Cartography, the tool distilled data rich compliance into executive level reporting to support effective decision making. 

Technology: AWS, ArcGIS Portal Enterprise, React, ArcGIS Maps SDK for JS

Commercial Property Management

Full Extent developed an application to help leasing agents find, view and showcase CBRE properties across Singapore.

The application augmented 3D building data with in-house information systems to provide a live, easy to use tool across the organisation. By breaking down information silos, users were able to streamline processes and optimise asset management.

Technology: ArcGIS Portal, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Maps SDK for JS, Ruby on Rails

Other Projects

Transport for NSW

Flood Modelling Tool

NSW Crown Lands Commissioner

Land Analysis and Reporting Tool


SAP Store Locator Migration


Property Analysis and Reporting Tool

NSW Office Of Environment And Heritage

Endeavour Energy

Impact Assessment GIS System

Bio-Diversity Reform And Assessment Program

NSW Department Of Planning

Housing Strategy

NSW Department Of Planning

E-Planning Program

Insurance Australia Group

NZ Earthquake Assessment Visualisation

NSW Land And Property Information

Spatial Information Exchange (SIX Maps) Application

NSW Department Of Aboriginal Affairs

Ochre Indigenous Language Maps

NSW Library

Digitisation and Natural Language Processing


Insurance Mapping and Natural Languge Processing

Monitoring Mapping and Natural Langauge Processing



Monitoring Mapping and Natural Language Processing

Southern Cross Drones

Precision Agriculture Data Processing with AI and Machine Learning